Open Monday through Friday

Please call for appointments: 416-961-5571

Annex Clinic

187 Madison Avenue

Toronto, ON M5R 2S6

Get In Touch


Annex Clinic is a 1/2 block south of Dupont St., but this portion of Madison is one-way north; please drive north from Bernard Ave. Please note that GPS tends to incorrectly identify our location as north of Dupont St.

Street parking is available after 10:00 am.

Other than before 10 am, the driveway to the right of the clinic is reserved for those with physical impairments/pregnancy/small children. If parking in the driveway, please do not drive to the end, but leave enough room for another (large) vehicle to park behind you. Please notify the front desk that you are parked in the driveway.

How To Find Us

Public Transit:
Annex Clinic is a short walk from Dupont Station. Walk one block east to Madison Avenue, then a 1/2 block south to #187, on the east side. Please note that on Madison Ave. the even numbers do not match up with the odd numbers.